You can contact us from the contact form, Line app, and Phone call.


Here are list of frequency asked questions.

about contact

Q:I have NOT get the reply after contact.
A:We usually respond in 2 days. Please confilm to accept the email from
Q:I can NOT send message from contact form
A:We are NOT supporting the Internet Explorer and recomend to send it from another browser like Safari, Gogole Chrome.
Q:The call have Not answered.
A:We will call you back later when We are busy.
Q:The call have NOT connected
A:Please call us again later.

Rehab service

Q:Is it effective
A:All people will have changes as a result of the treatment. However, changes vary according to goals and function. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed discussion when you visit our office.
Q:Is payment made every time?
Aplease pay in cash or by card for each treatment session.
Q:Is home visiting rehabilitation available?
A:We do not accept requests for this service, but please consult us. Actual transport costs plus travel expenses will be charged.
Q:I am not familiar with the location.
A:Please call us when you get off at the nearest bus stop (Kamiogi 2-chome, Haccho). We will pick you up.


Q:I have applied for a workshop/training course but have not received a reply.
A:An auto-reply email is sent upon application. Please check your spam folder or domain name and also check your settings so that you can receive emails from You will be notified whether you are accepted or not for each meeting after the application deadline.
Q:I don't know anything about Bobath, is that OK?
A:The training at our centre is designed to promote the Bobarth concept. We keep the group size small so that everyone has a better understanding of the concept.
Q:What does the observation training involve?
A:Observation of patient rehabilitation, practical exercises, case studies, etc. If you let us know what you would like to do and when you would like to do it, we will plan it individually.


You can contact us via the "Line" App when adding us as friends.

Contact form


We will call you back if we are busy.