< Licences >

April 2011Physical therapyy licence
Aapril 2011Specialist in Neurological Physical Therapy, JPTA
March 2014Certificated Physical Therapist in Neurology (Stroke and brain injury), JPTA
August 2016Basic Bobath Instructor
認定証 certificates

< Job histroy >

Rehabilittion PLus
April 1996Juntendo University Hospital and the branch hospitals
・Juntendo Nerima Hospital
・Juntendo Tokyo Koto Geriatric Medical Center
May, 2019Rehabilitation Plus
November, 2022Rehabilitation Plus Co, Ltd.

< Executive history>

April, 2000A member of Academic Bureau, Tokyo Physical Therapy Association
June, 2007A chair of the Secretariat Division of East Japan,Japan Bobath Association
September, 2017Sub-chair of Koto-branch, Tokyo Physhical Therapy Association
June, 2018A sub-chair of Academic Bureau, Japan Bobath Association
April, 2022Ogikubo Corporation Association, General Affairs Committee Member
July, 2022A chair of Academic Bureau, Japan Bobath Association
September, 2022IBITA Appeals / grievance Committee
August 2024A chair of Secretariat Division, Japan Bobath Association
IBITA Educational Committee
A member of Educational Committee Japan Bobath Instructors Training Associaton

< Presentation >

1997The problem around auro-facial area with Parkinson's disease
Tokyo Physical Therapy Association Congress(Tokyo)
1998A single case study of Physical Therapy for Spinal Ataxia
A branch congress of Kanto-Koshinetsu (Tochigi)
2000A case report of Frontotemporal Dementia(FTD)
Japan Physical Therapy Association Congress(Kagoshima)
2002Inclusive rehabilitation for COPD
Japan Physical Therapy Association Congress(Kagoshima)
2010Relationship between Berg Balance Scale and ADL in Patients with Acute Cerebrovascular DiseaseJapan Physical Therapy Association Congress(Tokyo)
2023How effective the Bobath concept is? -Movement analyse with AI technology-
IBITA Congress(Sweden)
2024Characteristics of observation points for unskilled observers in movement observation - Movement analysis with AI technology -
IBITA Congress(Italy)
Relationship between observation points and years of experience in upper limb raising movements from different motor aspects.
Society of Neurophysiotherapy (Fukuoka)
Relationship between observation points on the sagittal plane and years of experience in upper limb raising movements.
Society of Educational Physiotherapy (Kitakyushu)

< Papers >

1997The problem around auro-facial area with Parkinson's disease
Physical Therapy: Progress and Prospects
2009Considering Acute Stroke Rehabilitation
Bobath Journal
2018【special feature】Locomotion 
Bobath Journal
2021Clinical practice to improve walking ability in the life stage
Bobath Journal

< Written things >

2018 Stroke Rehabilitation Core Compitents, CHUGAI-IGAKUSHA


2023 Clinical Upper Limb Functional Approach to Stroke,  MIWA-SHOTEN

< Lectures >

2006-Physiotherapy workshops by Japan Physical Therapy Association
"Assessment and treatment of adult hemiplegia” (Ehime)
2004-Physiotherapy workshops by Japan Physical Therapy Association
"Assessment and treatment of adult hemiplegia” (Tokyo)
2005-Physiotherapy workshops by Tokyo Physio Therapy Association
"Assessment and treatment of adult hemiplegia” (Tokyo)
2016-Physiotherapy workshops by Japan Physical Therapy Association
"Physiotherapy for Parkinson's disease." (Tokyo)
2017-Physiotherapy workshops by the Tokyo Physio Therapy Association
"Assessment and treatment of adult hemiplegia” (Tokyo)
2017-Introductory Module (Tokyo )
9 July 2017Saitama Physiotherapists' Federation Technical Workshop
"Assessment and treatment of patients with central nervous system disorders according to the Boberth concept" (Saitama)
2018Neuroscience seminar (Tokyo)
2018Physiotherapy Initiative Research Group (Saitama)
14 February 2020Spring workshop of the Ogikubo Corporation Association
"‘To keep working in good health - what you need to know about your body’" (Tokyo)
2021-Basic Bobath Course (Tokyo・Rehabilitation Plus)
2021-Introductory Module (Tokyo・Rehabilitation Plus)
2021-Synapse Online Seminar (Online)
2023 - 24Basic Bobath Course (Goa, India)
17 Febrary 2024International Bobath Instructors Training Association Webinar
"AI analysis within the Bobath concept" (Online)
15 March 2024Tokyo Judo Therapists Association Suginami Ward Branch Workshop
‘Exercise Therapy for Prevention and Improvement of Frail’ (Tokyo)
5-7 July 2024Introductory Course (Hong Kong)
6 September 2024Bergamo Association of Physiotherapists, World Physiotherapy Day Commemorative Lecture
'AI Technology and Neuro-physiotherapy-How can we survive as a clinician!' (Bergamo, Italy).