Past courses
<April and August, 2023>Basic Bobath Course

This course was finished. This course is recognized by IBITA and JBITA. You can deepen your understanding after the course with lectures, practices, demonstrations, and clinical case studies.The couse details should be checked on the IBITA website. Course Information Date 24th April to 5th May, 7th to 11th August, 2023 Course Instructors Hiroo Furusawa, Basic […]

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Past courses
<5th - 7th July 2024>Introductory Bobath Course in HongKong

Here is an introductory course on the Bobath concept for therapists. The Bobath concept is a famous aspect for people with the disfunction of the Central Nervous System in Europa. The theme will be "From Clinical Reasoning to Effective Facilitation". We will have a lecture about the Bobath concept and clinical reasoning based on neurology […]

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